Unlock the power of leadership archetypes to elevate your leadership capabilities. Our leadership archetype training and development program is designed to help leaders recognize and harness their full potential, gain strategic advantages, and leverage opportunities in various organizational contexts.



The role of archetypes in organizational culture:

  • Unveiling hidden dynamics: archetypes act as the tip of the iceberg, revealing the deeper, often hidden layers of organizational life.
  • Insight into leadership DNA: understanding your leadership archetypes offers profound insights into your leadership potential and how it shapes organizational dynamics.

Leadership archetypes:

  • Comprehensive understanding: dive deep into 24 distinct leadership archetypes, exploring them from both individual and organizational perspectives.
  • Personal leadership growth: identify your personal leadership strategies and areas for development.
  • Assessment tools: utilize the leadership assessment (la) questionnaire and emotional intelligence (eq) metrics to pinpoint your leadership archetypes and emotional intelligence.

Exploring your leadership style:

  • Psychological foundations: delve into the psychological principles that underpin effective leadership.
  • Jungian coaching method: employ the "i know you by the jungian coaching method" tool to explore the psychological dimensions of your leadership.
  • Strengths and growth areas: identify your strengths, weaknesses, and dominant reactive patterns to enhance your leadership effectiveness.

The hero's journey in leadership:

  • Light and shadow: explore the dual aspects of your leadership style—both the strengths and the shadow sides.
  • Archetypal energy: activate your internal strengths by understanding and harnessing your archetypal energy.
  • Dominant archetype: identify and work with your dominant leadership archetype to lead more effectively.

Psychodynamics and subconscious exploration:

  • Delving into the subconscious: work with psychodynamics to uncover and understand the subconscious drivers of your behavior.
  • Transformative insights: bring to light the hidden motivations and fears that influence your leadership decisions.
  • Aligning conscious and subconscious: harmonize your conscious leadership style with the deeper, often unacknowledged, aspects of your psyche for a more authentic and powerful leadership presence.



  • Actionable insights: develop a concrete action plan to implement the concepts learned.
  • Challenge reflection: reflect on and address specific challenges faced in your leadership journey.
  • Integrated development: integrate all acquired insights for a comprehensive approach to leadership growth.
  • Focused learning: benefit from an individualized approach within small group settings.
  • Immediate improvement: rapidly enhance your leadership abilities with focused feedback.
  • Motivation and growth: eliminate unconscious behaviors, develop internal potential, and boost your motivation.



  • Customized learning: whether individual, group, or tailored sessions, our program is adaptable to meet your specific needs and goals.



  • Unlock potential: unleash your personal strengths and inner leadership power.
  • Boost motivation: enhance motivation, improve relationships, and achieve your business objectives.
  • Effective communication: develop impactful communication strategies for diverse stakeholders.
  • Transform conflict: turn conflicts into opportunities for constructive dialogue and positive outcomes.
  • Team efficiency: drive greater efficiency in team dynamics and interpersonal relationships.



Join us on this transformative journey, where leadership transcends mere roles to become a catalyst for inspiring and influencing positive change. Elevate your leadership skills and empower those around you!


For inquiries, partnerships, or to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us at: info@povejnaglas.si


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