In a world full of ideas, thoughts, and emotions, one of the most powerful transformations is simple: to speak it out loud.


At "Povej na Glas," we understand this, and our mission is dedicated to empowering individuals through coaching and communication training, as well as soft skills development.


The power of speaking your thoughts aloud

Communication is not just about transmitting information – it’s about expressing our deepest thoughts, concerns, dreams, and fears. When we speak, we give shape to what’s inside us. If we keep our thoughts bottled up, they can weigh us down, causing anxiety or confusion. But when we dare to speak, we free ourselves from the burden of unspoken words.


We hear what we think

When we speak out loud, we hear our thoughts more clearly. We often underestimate the power of hearing our own voice as a form of self-affirmation. Saying something aloud solidifies our intentions, moving them from abstract ideas to concrete plans.


Others hear us too

The world cannot understand us if we do not express our thoughts. When we communicate, we allow others to connect with our experiences. Speaking out helps us build relationships, resolve conflicts, and foster collaboration.


We release our fears

Fear often hides in silence. Many of us hesitate to speak up because we fear judgment, rejection, or failure. However, by vocalizing our fears, we reduce their power. Once spoken, they can no longer hold us captive.



Why choose Povej naGlas


Our name speaks for itself – it’s a call to action, an invitation to express yourself and let your voice be heard. When we speak out loud, we don’t just release our inner thoughts and fears; we open doors to new opportunities and connections.

Our mission is to empower individuals to speak with confidence, clarity, and authenticity. Here’s why we stand out:


Tailored coaching and communication training

We specialize in supporting individuals and organizations in developing a coaching culture, improving team collaboration, and enhancing communication skills. Whether you want to refine your public speaking, interpersonal communication, or leadership abilities, our programs are tailored to meet your specific needs.


Accredited coaches and trainers with expertise

Our team of highly skilled and accredited coaches and trainers offers top-notch support and guidance. Our coaches are not only experts in communication, but they also help you overcome internal barriers, enabling you to express yourself fully.


Confidence through communication

Confidence is not something we are born with – it’s something we build over time. At "Povej na Glas," we provide a supportive environment where you can practice speaking up and build your confidence. We believe that when you are heard, you are empowered.


Overcoming fears

We recognize the power of words and the energy that is released when we conquer our fears. We help you not only express your thoughts but do so with determination and conviction.



At "Povej na Glas," it’s not just about the message – it’s about the messenger. It’s about you, daring to express yourself, to be confident, bold, and, most importantly, to be your true self.


When you choose Povej na Glas, you step into a world where communication is more than a skill; it’s a Path to personal growth, empowerment, and success.

So, ask yourself: Are you ready to speak out loud? We already know the answer. You can. And you will.


Join us today and unlock the power of your voice!
Contact us for more information about our programs or sign up for one of our upcoming training sessions.

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